When Baby E was almost two years old, we got her a wooden balance bike. It made learning to ride a bike so much easier and more pleasurable. She still occasionally prefers her wooden balance bike to the larger pedal bike because it is so comfortable and she has a lot of control over it. Baby T is quickly growing and will soon ride the balance bike - just a few months until his feet will reach the ground! Today we are excited to have teamed up with a great group of bloggers to bless one of you with a Kinderfeets wooden balance bike made with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood.
Giveaway is hosted by: Elitemama and Sponsored by: Kinderfeets
Co-hosted by: Easy Green Mama, Java John Z's, Mami's 3 Little Monkeys, Tessacotton, Kitchen of a Singer, Couponing Momma, Simply Sherryl, Spring Of Health, Iowa Mom, and Oh just stop already
The Kinderfeets is a balance bike, training bike and also a running bike. It provides a great starting point for children to prepare them to ride a conventional two-wheeled bike. The bike is a cleaver alternative to training wheels and it is considered a superior form of learning to balance on two wheels. Kinderfeets was designed by a Dutch designer living in California. He had originally made the bike fore his son because what he wanted was not available.
The Kinderfeets bike has some key features compared to other push bikes: foot pegs for cruising, low step through frame allows for lower setting of the seat, no need to fill any tires, has a washable seat cover and has Chalk-board finish colors. The bike is available in a natural wood finish or in six different colors in Chalk-board finish. The Kinderfeets is for ages 2 and older and it can carry a maximum weight of 70 lbs. It is also patented.
You can read Elitemama's review Here
One lucky reader will win a Kinderfeets wooden balance bike in their choice of color ($109.00)
Giveaway is open to US residents only. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Giveaway ends 7/22. Enter the GiveawayTools form below for your chance to win. Good Luck!
Disclosure: Eco-Babyz received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. I am not responsible for the shipment of the prize.
Contains affiliate link to where we usually shop, your purchase supports Eco-Babyz at no extra cost to you. Thank you!
I would give it to my friend.
ReplyDeletei would love to win this for my grand-daughter :) thanks @tisonlyme143
ReplyDeletemy son
ReplyDeleteMy two year old would love this
ReplyDeleteI would give bike to my daughter.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 yo daughter... She would love to be on a bike like her big sister and she has so much coordination already. I'd love to be able to help her further!
ReplyDeleteI love balance bikes, I've wanted to get one for my daughters for a while but haven't because of the expense.
ReplyDeleteThis would be for my 2 1/2 yr old daughter. We were at the store the other day and she spotted the bike section... she said "I want to go to the bike shop" We looked but I knew about these and told her we would have to wait. Perfect timing for your giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my 2 year old nephew, and hope that I could use it in a couple of years for my soon to be born child. Thanks!
ReplyDeletemy 2 year old son would love this!
ReplyDeleteI would give this bike to my son Eleazar
ReplyDeleteI would love to give this to my daughter, she would be so excited!
ReplyDeleteTo my daughter
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my two daughters to share!
ReplyDeleteI would give the bike to my 2yr old son :)
I would give this to my daughter.
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my 4 year old son! He has balance issues and I believe this would be huge for his physical therapy
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my son.
ReplyDeleteI would love this for my daughter :-)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter would love this! She is 2!
My youngest turns two at the end of the month and would love it!
ReplyDeletemy son AJ for his BDay this month !!!!!!!! Birdie Skolfield
ReplyDeleteI would give to my grandson. I know he would love this.
ReplyDeleteI'd give this to my son
ReplyDeleteI would keep this for the children I daycare for.
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my son. He has a birthday coming up and this bike would be a perfect gift!
ReplyDeletemy 3 year old
ReplyDeleteI'd probably give this to my daughter- she's a toddler and it would be perfect for her! We'd pass it along when she's done with it. :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely would love this for my daughter. I tried regular toddler bike but she doesn't have that balance yet, so this is a perfect tool to learn. One of my friends have this and they love it.
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my daughter -- her birthday's next month, and it'd be her first bike!
ReplyDeleteMy almost 2 year old would LOVE to try it out :D
ReplyDeleteMy almost 2 year old would lvoe it :D
ReplyDeleteMy 3 year old needs a balance bike!
ReplyDeleteI would give this to my niece.
ReplyDeleteIt would be for my daughter
ReplyDeleteThis would be for my 3 year old son Cayden...and he would have to share it with his buddy Logan who is staying at our house right now too!! They would love love love it!! Thanks for the chance to win!~
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my 3 yr old son.
ReplyDeleteI would save it for my son (he just turned one).
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my son. He's 3.
ReplyDeleteI would love have this for my 3 yr old!
ReplyDeleteMy 3 year old son would love to play with this and when he out grows it my daughter will be old enough to enjoy it as well :)
ReplyDeleteThis would be great for my daughter! We can't wait to get her out on a bike!
ReplyDeleteI would give this to my grandson.
ReplyDeleteI would give it to my son Stephan!