Tuesday, April 10, 2012

IKEA Bekvam Step Stool {hack}

Ever wanted a really compact desk and chair for your little one to sit and doodle? Like something that fits on a two square feet footprint? How about something that costs under $15? That, my friends, is the IKEA BEKVAM step stool and it has so many uses!

So this is not a real IKEA hack, I admit, but I love finding new uses for stuff around the house. Recently I was baking in the kitchen and I needed all the surface areas like the dining table and the counter. Baby E wanted to draw - only in the kitchen of course. So I looked at the step stool and the light bulb went off. "What a perfect little bench and table!" I thought. So off she went doodling for the next twenty minutes. 

It may not be the safest little table and chair, you have to be careful climbing in and out as it may tip. Obviously it wasn't designed to be used that way. But overall it is quite sturdy and if you live in a tiny city apartment, this just may be the perfect little doodle spot for your toddler. Snag one before they grow out of it!

That was just the beginning, next time I'll share what else we did with this step stool with a little imagination!


  1. We had a stoool just like that,
    the kids love it but they kept falling of so we had to put it away

    1. Ouch! My toddler did fall off it once, it was an okay fall - if there is such a thing, she didn't hurt herself much. But it's a must in the kitchen, she is always helping me. Plus I'm 5'2" and it is the only way I can reach the top cabinets lol! I'm sure there are safer step stools too.


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