Friday, January 6, 2012

Colief Drops Review & Giveaway: Transient Lactase Deficiency and Colic

When our first baby was two weeks old, we ended up at the Children's Hospital in Boston. Never mind the non-stop crying associated with colic, her spit up was tinted pink with blood and there was some in her stool as well. We were exhausted new parents, not knowing how to help her. Just to put it into perspective, we rarely, if ever go to the doctor. Only when absolutely necessary, this was one of those times. Nothing we tried helped her. 

I wish I knew about Colief back then and had a clue about transient lactase deficiency. That was our infant's diagnosis and according to the doctors it is very common, about 20% of babies have it in some form. It was severe for our baby. She was just reacting to cow's milk protein in my breast milk - that's all. Simple! I went on a completely dairy free diet and returned to nursing in five days. Everything was back to normal, no pink spit up, no excessive crying, it was such a relief! It wasn't easy at all though, giving up the cheese I love, butter, everything that even had a trace of dairy. I started reading labels - a lot. I then remembered just how much organic milk I drank while I was pregnant and wondered if that contributed to her milk protein intolerance

Now when a new mom tells me her baby's symptoms that sound just like what my daughter had, I can just recommend she try Colief. The drops are completely natural and contain lactase enzyme (no meds or drugs) that helps digest milk. It can be used both with breast milk and formula before a baby's feed. Colief has been prescribed in the U.K. and Ireland for over 15 years, it is now available in the U.S. I was really glad to have it on hand just in case baby T would need it. Thankfully he is seven weeks old already and never had those symptoms. 

You can buy Colief Infant Drops on Amazonor at a CVS near you. 

Three of you will each win a sample of Colief!

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Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ.


  1. I have a friend that has triplets and on is very colic

  2. My son has colic

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  3. My little sister was a very colicky baby.

  4. I have a 6 week old who seems to be colicky

  5. My son had colic and I wish I had known about anything that could have helped!

  6. My cousin's baby does

  7. try colic calm, its american and fantastic... with a miney back guarantee..

  8. How often do you ue thie product. Is it just as needed, once a day?


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