Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zarbee's Nighttime Cough and Sleep Drink Review & Rafflecopter Giveaway

With the temperatures plummeting and New England fall finally settling in, I'm stashing our medicine cabinet of natural remedies. Since we stay away from drugs of any kind here, I have found a lot of highly effective products in the past few years. Hopefully we will not be getting sick anytime soon, but if baby E catches a cough we'll be trying the new Zarbee's Nighttime Cough & Sleep Drink. This natural drug-free cough remedy is safe for children over two years (and great for adults too!).

There are a lot of things we love about this. First, of course are the superb ingredients of buckwheat honey powder, vitamin C, elderberry extract, and zinc. These are things that I would usually give to my child separately, but it is so much easier to have it combined in one dose of a naturally flavored remedy. It is also properly named as a nighttime sleep drink because it contains melatonin and should help your child [or you] fall asleep. There are no dyes, preservatives, alcohol, or drugs. One package retails for $8.99 and contains 6 packets. Each packet is to be dissolved in two ounces of warm water and taken once a day, so essentially it is a one week supply. Oh, and in case you need some science to back it up, clinical studies have shown buckwheat honey to be more effective at relieving coughs associated with colds and upper respiratory illnesses than Dextromethorphan (DM) or diphenhydramine, the two most common ingredients in over-the-counter cough medicine (those can no longer be used under the age of 4 anyway). 

Zarbee's also makes a cough syrup that is safe to use for 12+ months. It comes in cherry, grape, and lemon flavors. Zarbee's products are available online at Amazon and or you can also find them at a pharmacy near you

One of you will get to try a package of the Zarbee's Nighttime Cough and Sleep Drink

If you're lost with Rafflecopter or don't know how to use it, check out this 45 second Rafflecopter video, it's simple! If you don't see the widget, click Read More... to see the whole post!

Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ.


  1. I would love to see winners' posts.



  2. I would love to win this awesome product!

  3. As I've mentioned before, I know it's hard work maintaining a blog, so I'm just glad to be able to enjoy your efforts :) ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  4. I like your blog and am always interested in eco-tips. I can say one thing that delights me is to open a blog and see pictures of cute kids and families.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  5. I wish the rafflecopter form had the end date rather than just the days left. Other than that, nada!
    14earth at gmail dot com


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