Thursday, October 20, 2011

CitiBlocs Review & Rafflecopter Giveaway

Baby E loves building things out of blocks, it's a really helpful parenting tool for me since we do not have television and she keeps herself occupied with these educational, open-ended toys. In a few short weeks our newborn will be joining us, boy will I need things to keep her occupied! We received some CitiBlocs to review and baby E was really excited to play and build with them to her heart's content. We have a 50 block Hot Colors and 50 block Cool Colors Set, and the generous folks at CitiBlocs even sent us a 50 block Natural Color set since there were several missing pieces in the Hot Colors. 

Wooden blocks are a rather classic toy, but the shape of these enables you to make very unique structures. They balance very well with the precisely cut long rectangular shape. My toddler still likes breaking more than building, especially if I'm present. So I've been making quite a few fun towers while she topples them over. Another favorite way to play is to line them all up like dominoes and see the chain reaction as they topple over. I think it is even more fun for older children who are better at balancing the blocks and thinking up their own designs, but they're great even for a three year old. It's never too early to develop their creative side!

The CitiBlocks Hot and Cool color sets come in packages of 50, 100, and 200. The natural color blocks are also available in 300 and 500 pieces (great for large playrooms and daycares). They are also more affordable than many other blocks I've seen. The set of 100 is under $25 (even less on Amazon) and is a great gender neutral gift (I would even say it is age neutral!). I also appreciate the fact that the blocks are cut from Radiata Pine from certified renewable forests and they are safe and non-toxic. You can create some amazing things with these blocks:

Buy CitiBlocs, Connect on Twitter and Facebook

One Eco-Babyz reader will win a CitiBlocs 50 block set in their choice of Hot, Cool, or Natural colors!

If you're lost with Rafflecopter or don't know how to use it, check out this 45 second Rafflecopter video, it's simple! If you don't see the widget, click Read More... to see the whole post!

Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ.


  1. I love the eco-babyz blog. If I had to pick something to change I would say that the organization of the stuff along the sides is a bit hectic.

  2. Blog's great. Perhaps the header and design could be more interesting.
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  3. I really like your blog! The only thing I would comment on might be all the buttons and images along the sides, I think it's a little busy but all blogs have that. Also, like PP mentioned, maybe better organization on the side content.
    Thank you for hosting the giveaways! I learn a lot about different companies through the reviews/giveaways!

  4. I really love your blog but I always wish there were smaller or quicker loading images as the widgets take a bit of time to load themselves but I don't know if it's something that can be easily done. Thanks for the great blog & giveaways!
    Dana Beeman: danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)comx

  5. There is nothing that I do not like.

  6. Just wish giveaways had fewer entries! ;)

  7. There is nothing I don't like I love this blog. However, I can name something that gives me great delight when I open any blog--I love to be surprised by pictures of cute babies and kids up to cute shenanigans. Sometimes I laugh out loud at the little faces.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  8. I learned that that every piece is exactly the same shape and size. I like the aqua color

  9. I love the blog! I love the giveaways! The header/background could be improved a little bit to be more modern.

    all natural katie

  10. I wish you had more giveaways like this. You have awesome taste! Otherwise no complaints

  11. I think you have a really great blog. It's well organized and you have great giveaways. The only thing I could see changing is maybe the design and header to make it more visually interesting.


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