Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Baby: Woombie Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

Today I'm really excited to share one of my 'new parent must haves'. When our first daughter was born, the first  two months became a real blur for me. She was a very happy newborn but the one thing that kept us up all night - her relentless startle reflex. She slept great swaddled, for five minutes that is. She always un-swaddled herself skillfully. Even if she fell into a deep sleep, she would always startle herself with her arms. All. Night. Long. 

I was exhausted, looking for something - anything that would keep her asleep longer. That's when I discovered the Woombie while browsing online, which was a fairly new product/company back then. I didn't hesitate and bought the 3 to 6 month size. First night in the Woombie, she slept longer than usual. Then even longer. I was on cloud nine with the much craved five to six hour stretches of sleep. Now she only woke up to nurse, not startling herself throughout the night. 

With baby number two on the way, I didn't want to take any chances! I want some sleep from the beginning. The folks at Woombie are generously providing us with a newborn size Organic Woombie. When I first found the company almost three years ago, they didn't have any organic options - I'm very excited they now do! Not to mention a myriad of other fabulous new products they have come up with. 

This is not your typical swaddle blanket! It doesn't constrict the movement of the baby or hinder motor development. It really mimics the mother's womb and allows the baby to move gently and stretch the swaddle cocoon. It isn't tight like a conventional swaddle and the baby would have to try really hard to get out of it! Baby E managed to only have her one hand peek out the top neck opening, that's as far as she got. So worth the $28.99.

So you want one?

If you're lost with Rafflecopter or don't know how to use it, check out this 45 second Rafflecopter video, it's simple! If you don't see the widget, click Read More... to see the whole post!

Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ.


  1. I like the

    The Winter Woombie in eggnog. amypugmire@live.com

  2. I would like Winter Woombie in Pink or Eggnog color =)

  3. I would like to try the houdini woombie in lavender or Vanilla


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