Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome Baby: Milkin' Cookies Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed before I gave birth to my first child. But as any new mom I didn't anticipate all the complex challenges that came with it. Overcoming pain, thrush, and having to change my diet entirely due to her milk protein allergy. Not a walk in the park for sure. I also had concerns about supply. I'm a tiny person and to keep up with her appetite I had to eat and drink way more than I ever do. I've tried herbal teas to increase supply with some success as well. 

This time around I'm glad to have something to rely on to boost my milk supply - Milkin' Cookies! Made with whole wheat flour, flax seed, wheat germ, and oats, these cookies have no preservatives, artificial ingredients, herbs, or medicines. The ingredients naturally boost your milk supply. 

We received some samples to try and will be receiving a supply for the first weeks after giving birth as well. They are individually packaged, which makes it really convenient to grab and take along with you any time (as much as I don't like individual packaging, this proved to be very helpful). I opened the first one, the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and tried it with my toddler. These cookies aren't just for breastfeeding moms - anyone can eat them! We both loved it at first bite. They weren't too sweet, perfectly flavorful, chewy, and the right size. The Cranberry Almond Oatmeal ones were just as delicious! My toddler liked them a little too much, she wanted to eat all of them at once so I had to hide them. The only problem I had is that they were really crumbly when she ate them, so it made a mess for me to clean up. But I'll be the one eating them anyway, so not a big deal.

We never buy store bought cookies, period. I make cookies from scratch every week because my husband can't live without them. So I have high standards! Store bought cookies make me want to gag. These were so fresh and tasted very 'homemade'. They are made without preservatives and in small batches, then sent out to subscribers, thus they are meant to be eaten while they are still fresh. They are perfect for that transition to becoming a parent (or adding another baby), when you don't really have time to be making fresh cookies yourself with similar ingredients.

One of you will win a two week supply of Milkin' Cookies ($20.99 value)! No, you don't have to be breastfeeding to enter the giveaway, but please give moms who really need a breast milk supply boost a chance!

If you're lost with Rafflecopter or don't know how to use it, check out this 45 second Rafflecopter video, it's simple! If you don't see the widget, click Read More... to see the whole post!

Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ.


  1. i am nursing my fourth and have always had to supplement with forumula because I don't make enough milk

    Laura DeLuca

  2. Would be nice to have a natural way to boost milk supply!

  3. I would love to try milk and cookies because I am always concerned by my milk output. This would be interesting to try!

  4. I would like to try this because I'd love to boost my supply. When my son was first born, I was able to pump more than he needed. Now that he is almost 3 months old, I seem to be only providing just enough. At night he eats the most and occasionally seems to be frustrated when he's emptied me and wants more. I'd love to win this one!

  5. I need to try these cookies because my supply has really dropped since going back to work :(

  6. They sound delightful! We would absolutey love to try them, healthy and yummy!

  7. I want them because who doesnt like cookies, it beats having to take a pill or drink tea 5 times a day

  8. will be nursing my 3rd in a couple months!! =)

  9. I have a baby due mid-november and any boost to my supply would be helpful!

  10. I have been trying to boost my supply so I can pump and freeze... but nothing is working! I want to try these cookies to see if they help!
    rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

  11. because I prefer a cookie always over a chemical enhancement...

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  12. I would love to try them and see if they help my milk supply.

  13. I remember with my son I was struggling for the first few weeks with milk... I hate to substitute formula, so I hope this works and gives me a leverage.

  14. I had a lot of issues with my first so I would like to see how these cookies would work with this one!

  15. Although I want, and very well may later need, something to increase my milk production, I would give/share this prize with a friend of mine. I am currently babysitting her 2 kids (20 months and 5 months) while she is in nursing school everyday, and she is really struggling to pump enough milk for her youngest. Not only does she want to keep him on breastmilk only for as long as possible, but she tried him on formula a few months ago and he did NOT do well. His sister (the 20 month old) is allergic to milk, so it is quite possible he is to. I'd like to help her achieve her breastfeeding goals even if it means I don't get these cookies :)

  16. I want and need this because I am currently breastfeeding and feel like my supply might be dropping.

  17. I would love to try this because I always have a difficult time keeping up my milk supply when I go back to work and have to pump so much, and I would love to see if these help!

  18. I've got to keep up my supply pumping for just 3.5 months- I love this nursing relationship, but I'll be glad to be done pumping when Baby turns 1!

  19. I'd love to give it to my sister who is trying to nurse a baby that has Trisomy 18. It's a hard task!

  20. Because 1) I love cookies :0D 2) I need milk for my baby!

  21. What a great idea! I know I'll be in need of a healthy treat once baby is born!

  22. I will be nursing and with PCOS there aren't many cookies I could eat period. I have to have whole wheat everything and can't eat much sugar at all. This sounds great and I would love to try!

  23. I would love to try them, I have a 2 month old I nurse and just would love to make sure he is getting enough. :) thanks!

  24. DARN, I just saw that it's US only... I'll have to see if they ship to Canada and Buy some. I could sure use these! my DD (now 6 weeks) went into NICU for the first few days of her life, with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) so they had no choice but to give her formula... we had a really hard time breastfeeding (she wouldn't latch at all) so I fed her expressed milk in a bottle... just recently my pump broke... called the manufacturer and they are sending me a replacement, .... but in the 10 days we were waiting, i ended up putting her to the breast more often (out of desperation... hand expressing is hard!)and she seems to have got it! but when my ump broke, my supply slackened a bit (we jumped the gun and bought some formula to get her thru as I was only getting a tiny amount from hand expressing)

  25. ever since i got my IUD, my supply has decreased significantly. i try everything i pump up to 15 times a day to try to stimulate! maybe this will help!

  26. FTM will try to breastfeed anything will help


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