Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eco Home Event Coming Soon! [and new photo]

Call us crazy if you will, but yes - we have one more event up our sleeve before the baby is due to arrive in early November. Mid October we will be bringing you a few great brands to inspire your next green remodeling or nursery project. Do we have nothing better to do? Apparently not, because our attic remodel and toddler room project has been dragging on since June, but the end seems near. These fabulous companies are helping us with the finishing touches for the project.

Here are some great companies we are excited to be featuring in the Eco Home Event and we think you'll love them just as much as we do!

...and a few others!

Photo: Baby E and I at a local farm playground. That's a shirt that makes me look least pregnant, not that I want to or can hide it!

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