Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thanks for Making my Life Easier as a Mom!

I am first of all a mother, then everything else. As all of us moms know - time is precious. Those of us that blog try to balance it all on a daily basis and stay sane in the process. There is one thing that makes my life easier as a mom - Verizon FiOS Internet! Of all things...

Why? Because I've been at the slow end of internet service, and honestly, I don't know if I would still be blogging if I was stuck with it. Ever since we signed up for FiOS Internet, I get what I need to get done online a lot faster. While the baby naps (thankfully she still does) I can have as many browser tabs open as I want and it will never freeze on me! Video streams without skipping, photos upload in a snap, I don't know how I lived without it. I am spoiled because now whenever I am visiting someone and need to get some work done outside the home, I have no patience for slow internet!

So how does FiOS Internet make my life easier?
  1. It doesn't make me wait for photos to upload.
  2. It lets me multi-task with multiple tabs and doesn't freeze on me.
  3. It doesn't freeze my streaming video.
  4. It doesn't shut off my service every day at midnight like my last provider did! (Can you believe it?)
  5. It does not test my patience because I'm a blogger who likes things fast!
We pulled the plug on FiOS TV a few months ago just because we aren't really TV people. I prefer to get things done around the home with my baby or with her playing, not glued to the TV. But when we did have it and watched it occasionally, I loved the sharp picture quality - well, my husband loved it more! We had a problem with rarely finding anything worth watching on TV in general, not with FiOS. If we ever wanted to add on the TV service we wouldn't hesitate to get FiOS, it is totally worth the few extra pennies (or you may end up even saving with a bundle). The pricing on the two services together certainly made sense, we aren't saving much by not having TV!

We also switched from our VoIP phone service to Verizon phone service and love it. I definitely appreciate that I no longer have to have the computer on to make a phone call! The calls are crystal clear and it is important to me because I don't really use a cell phone, the land line is my primary phone connection.

I am not selling you anything, just letting you know that as a mom - the time FiOS saves me is priceless. It is worth more than what we spend on internet. I haven't had a single issue with it, and even if I did, I know they have great customer service I can count on (unlike my last provider). As a blogger, I know I can count on the speed when I need to whip up a post in no time!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Verizon FiOS blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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