Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ice Pop Joy Book Review & Giveaway (2 winners!) {CLOSED}

With summer approaching I am really looking forward to serving cold healthy snacks to my daughter and any kids visiting. For the most part because I've got my hands on Ice Pop Joy, an indispensable resource for nutritiously entertaining kids through the warm months (and any other time they ask for an ice pop). Anni Daulter always gets it right with kids nutrition, her book Organically Raised was also a hit with us. I never buy any sort of pre-made frozen treats because most of them are made with ingredients that can hardly be called 'edible'. Even organic ice cream isn't exactly good for you. With this book you can actually make really healthy ice pops with a nutritional punch and instead of feeling guilty you'll be feeling proud giving it to your kids (and the whole family).

(gorgeous sample spread above)

I honestly had no idea you could do so much with an ice pop! Yogurt and vegetables? Why didn't I think of that? The book is just brimming with recipes I can't wait to try once I officially get our ice pop maker. For now I really wanted to test at least one recipe even without the tools I needed. I decided to make the Goo Goo Ga Ga pop from page 65, I had the ingredients on hand. Apples, mango chunks, and Greek yogurt sound like a heavenly combination! I substituted the Greek yogurt with plain whole fat organic yogurt I had. I put the puree into plastic tumblers, the only thing I had on hand to make sort of an ice pop and I stuck gelato spoons in it once it froze half way. Really quick and easy to make!

After dinner we ate it so fast I forgot to snap a photo of my toddler thoroughly enjoying it. My husband loved it too, not to mention myself! I know what we'll be snacking on when warm weather rolls around. I also can't wait to try the Green Machine ice pop with spinach and the Peace Pop with carrots.

I highly recommend buying Ice Pop Joy
and investing in healthy snacking and dessert!

Two Eco-Babyz readers will be blessed with an Ice Pop Joy recipe book of your own!

Mandatory Entry: Follow Eco-Babyz with GFC (blogger) AND visit Anni Daulter's website and tell us what about conscious family living speaks to you most (explore categories on the right).


Extra Entries (one comment each):
For Ice Pop Joy: twitter| facebook |

vote picket fence | vote baby blogs | rate/comment on mommy blogs:

Rate My Blog @ Top Mommy Blogs

Contest ends at 11:59 pm on Thursday, April 21th, 2011. Winner will be selected using Random.org and contacted via email. Open to US residents 18+.

Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ.


  1. I follow you and I like the natural parenting section of the site.

  2. I follow Eco-Babyz with GFC! The organic shopping tips like shopping locally and setting a good example for my children really spoke to me!
    andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

  3. I follow Ice Pop Joy on twitter! (@ampaetka)
    andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

  4. I follow Eco-Babyz on twitter! (@ampaetka)
    andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

  5. Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/56492501602803712
    andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

  6. I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!
    andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

  7. I voted on Top Baby Blogs!
    andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

  8. christal couturierApril 9, 2011 at 1:29 AM

    GFC follower
    The growing food change Changing What Kids In U.S. Eat
    willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

  9. christal couturierApril 9, 2011 at 1:33 AM

    Like you on FB
    christal fuller couturier
    willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

  10. christal couturierApril 9, 2011 at 1:34 AM

    Like Ice Pop Joy's fan page
    christal fuller couturier
    willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

  11. christal couturierApril 9, 2011 at 1:34 AM

    email subscriber
    willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

  12. christal couturierApril 9, 2011 at 1:35 AM

    commented on your FB page
    willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

  13. Hi! I follow you on GFC and I love most the idea of conscious cooking and thinking about your food! As a vegetarian, I think about my food choices everyday. As a new breastfeeding mom, I'm even more careful knowing that my baby is eating what I am. Food should be sacred, and I appreciate that idea.

  14. I follow you on twitter (wendy__lawrence)

  15. I subscribe via email (wendylawrencemorgan@gmail.com)

  16. I follow Ice Pop Joy on Twitter (wendy__lawrence)

  17. I rated your blog at Top Mommy Blogs!

  18. I like the conscious cooking and thinking about your food
    thank you

  19. i follow you via gfc and love conscious cooking- putting love and good thoughts behind the food i prepare for my family...

  20. also subscribe to your emails....

  21. follower

    conscious cooking


  22. GFC follower and I love the organics and recipes section. About shopping for organic foods!


  23. I follow and shopping locally for food

    oanechearico at gmail dot com

  24. I like you on FB

    oanechearico at gmail dot com

  25. Conscious Cooking!


  26. Follow on GFC.

    I love her mantra “Every meal prepared in this kitchen will be done with love, joy, and the intention of feeding my family in body, mind, and spirit.” This reminds me of my dad's prayer at our meal "Bless this food to our use."

  27. i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks

    i learned that the prevalence of obesity in low-income two to four year-olds increased from 12.4 percent in 1998 to 14.5 percent in 2003 and rose to only 14.6 percent in 2008
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com


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