Thursday, February 24, 2011

Smart Gear Classic Wooden Bike review from CSN Stores

Baby E loves anything with wheels, just like any toddler. We borrowed a tricycle a few months back, but those pedals just kept getting in the way. I was really hoping to find her a balance bike for this spring so that she could learn freely without pedals. You should have seen my 2 year old's face when she saw the big box with a bike photo on it! She lit up like a light bulb! Thanks to CSN Stores we were able to try the Smart Gear Classic Wooden Bike.

We unpacked the box and it took about 5 minutes to put the bike together, it was really easy and intuitive, didn't even need the instructions (my husband did it). Since it is winter outside and snow banks abound, we tried it out indoors. At this point I can't say how it is for the baby to ride because my toddler's toes are about 1" from reaching the floor when sitting on the bike, she can't yet ride by herself and needs me to help her balance and not fall off. She is 32" tall, so keep in mind that this bike will not work for most two year olds under 33" - not that they don't grow fast, it will fit in no time. I really like that the seat is adjustable, so it will last us a while. It seems quite sturdy, not at all flimsy, even though it isn't solid wood, but something like pressed board. I like how the steering wheel is designed in such a way that you can't make a very sharp sudden turn which would result in a fall. It doesn't turn 180 degrees, but more like 120-140 maybe, which makes it more stable and great for learning. I really appreciate the handle on the frame that makes it convenient for me to carry.

The only thing I would change about it is lowering the frame even more so it would fit even tiny two year olds like my daughter. It would also be nice if there was something to put the feet on when gliding on the bike. Of course that in no way takes any points away from the function of the product.

Disclaimer: I was given a gift certificate by CSN stores for the purpose of acquiring this product for review.

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